Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How to Buy Compact Home Gyms

While having your own fitness hub at home is always a good idea, many of us would no doubt encounter spatial problems as to where we should best establish our personal fitness centers. There is, however, still hope for us and that's simply by creating compact home gyms.

Creating compact home gyms is the most practical solution for people who are reluctant to sacrifice much space for such a purpose. And contrary to popular opinion, creating compact home gyms is most certainly a breeze ? if you take the following tips at heart.

Tip #1 A Room that Serves Multiple Purposes

Rather than tear down walls or add extensions to your house, look for a room that can serve as your home gym as well as other purposes. Most people tend to treat their living rooms as their home gyms. If you're worried about aesthetic clashes, just make sure that the room's fabric patterns complement the basic colors usually, black, white and chrome - of your gym equipment and you surely won?t be voted off from the Top 10 Best Designed Homes in your neighborhood.

Tip #2 Making Use of a Multi-Station Exercise Machine

Although a multi-station exercise machine is certainly more expensive than the average aerobics equipment, this will guarantee that you?ll need only a quarter of the space that you'd originally need, were you to purchase several less expensive exercise machines to make up your fitness hub.

Tip #3 Making Use of Foldable Equipment

If your house is very deficient when it comes to space, you could always purchase a foldable treadmill and yes, they do exist as this could be folded and tucked away in a box when not in use.

Tip #4 Free Weights and Other Small-Sized Exercise Apparatus

Last but not the least, you could always wave away the need to buy bulky exercise machines and simply concentrate on toning your body with regular use of free weights and other fitness gear that you can easily keep out of view when you?re done exercising.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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Taking Your Bodybuilding Workout Past The Plateau

You've been working your workout plan and are experiencing some frustration because you have noticed that you are maintaining your weight, staying at the same strength for months now and it's worrying you! Stop the frustration - you are not doing anything wrong, you have just experienced a "plateau" you need to take your workout plan to the next level; here is how to do that:

Your Warm up:

It is important to do a warm-up before each of your exercise sets. Utilize approximately 50% of the weight you are going to be using for your main workout. A good warm-up is to do 4 to 6 reps of this 50% weight. You want to do enough to just warm up your muscles.

Exercise Sets:

Work your plan of exercise sets based on your routine, which should include the following:

Abs, barbell bicep curls, barbell overhead shoulder presses, bench presses, dumbbell pullovers, leg curls, leg extensions, standing calf raises, squats, weighted dips, and also weighted pull-ups.

Workout Tips

Never, ever workout without a workout partner

Time your workout to last no longer than 45 minutes. This includes your rest periods in between sets. The caution here is that if you workout longer than 45 minutes the hormone, cortisol will increase and this will be counter-productive to your goal. The best results are seen when you make a time goal along with your workout goal. Stay focused on working your sets with rests in between sets and accomplishing your workout plan within your 45 minute time limit; get in, work hard, stay focused, get out.

Choose your weights based on achieving the number of reps and not any more than that number. You will know you have chosen wisely because you will physically be unable to complete another rep.

Do not cheat on your form - concentrate on achieving perfect form each and every rep. Use full range of motion and on the way down (2 seconds time span with 2 seconds on the way up). Absolutely no weight jerking allowed. You want a smooth up and down motion. If you experience jerks, move back down to the lighter weight.

Stay in motion during each set. Rest periods are for resting not during your sets. Watch especially during your squats to not lock your knees, arms or legs and rest even for a second. Keep the smooth motion going without a hesitation.

Do not stop when you reach bottom of any exercise. It's tempting at the bottom of a curl to stop - but do not give in to this temptation.

Taking Your Workout Plan Up a Level

3 day a week workout plans


Monday workout
Tuesday no
Wednesday workout
Thursday no
Friday workout
Saturday and Sunday no

Intermediate bodybuilders will benefit from a 2.5-day workout plan


Monday workout
Tuesday and Wednesday no
Thursday workout
Friday and Saturday no
Sunday workout
Monday and Tuesday no
continue with this one day workout, 2 days no workout.

Plateau Tips

You must increase your workout for your body to increase in strength.


Last workout 220 lbs for 10 reps
This workout 225 lbs for 8 reps
Next workout 225 lbs for 9 reps
Then next workout 225 lbs for 10 reps

Repeat the pattern with 5 lb increments on weight

In order to remember your workout plan, write it down. Do not rely on memory. Follow your plan, stay focused, and take rests in between sets and above all use a workout partner!

James Ack, Moderator at Just Bodybuilding, A bodybuilding forum, where you can get answers to all your bodybuilding questions.

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Best Bodybuilding Workouts - Reviews Of Routine That Work!

Do you want to build muscle, but find that no matter how hard you train, you don't seem to get the results?

Well if this is you, then pay attention to this article.

You see, the biggest problem with most people when they work out and want to gain muscle is that they're working out the wrong way.

What do I mean?

I mean, these are the telltale signs of not using the right bodybuilding workout routine;

1. Going to the gym 6 or 7 hours a week and getting little or no results.

2. Taking supplements but finding that these aren't really helping (with ineffective workouts they don't work well. In fact, with the best bodybuilding workouts, you don't need supplements anyway)

3. Training consistently for 3 but seeing no results.

Well, when I started I was just the same. I went to the gym 6-7 hours a week for 9 months and my body was about the same as before.

I found it really hard to pack on muscle.

It wasn't that I wasn't working hard. I was. But I realised that my bodybuilding routine must have been wrong as I simply wasn't getting results.

That's when I started looking for the bodybuilding routines that worked.

And yes, they work.

Within 2 weeks I saw a difference already, and by 12 weeks, I gain significant muscle and did it with:

1. half the time at the gym (on average 2.5 to 3 hours a week)

2. enjoying the training much more as I could see the results

3. enjoying the benefits of a good looking body with muscle : )

Which means you get results while spending half the time at the gym. And without relying on expensive supplements either.

You see the bodybuilding routines that work are great as they:

1. uses the principles of bodybuilding to stimulate muscle growth without getting into the 'overtraining' zone.

These principles are used by natural bodybuilders but most people don't even know about.

2. Uses sets and 'supersets' in such a way that the muscles get great stimulation for growth over the next 7 days after each time the muscles are exercised.

And these feel great as they give your muscles a proper workout, yet in half the time.

3. How to specifically change the amount of protein in your diet to get maximum muscle growth. And no, it doesn't involve a high protein diet all the time.

So there you have it.

You can build a good looking body that the girls notice by getting the most important thing right: the bodybuilding workout. Without it, you'll be working out for months and months (or 9 months like I did!) and getting no results.

So if you get the workouts that simply work, you'll see results in half the time at the gym.

And yes, it's wonderful to have a great body, and to see the results of your workouts day by day.

For the bodybuilding workouts that work, see he website in the resource box below.

Lucas Ryan helps you to gain muscle and lose fat so that you can show off your bodybuilding efforts and look ripped in no time. For more valuable tips visit his site to learn how to build muscle fast with the best bodybuilding workout routines, and get real results with your training.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Interconnection Between Bodybuilding And Fitness

Enthusiasts of bodybuilding know of the hard work that is required to achieve and maintain the sculpted bodies for which they aspire. A regimented diet is certainly a large component of bodybuilding ? cutting fat and focusing on lean protein to feed the muscles of the body and maximize nutrition. But when it comes to achieving the ideal look that most bodybuilders are after, the connection between bodybuilding and fitness is undeniable.

Bodybuilding and fitness are so inseparable because the building of muscle mass is so largely dependent upon intense and committed workouts. Bodybuilders will tell you of the hours upon hours that they dedicate to the gym ? doing cardiovascular work, stretching, and engaging in significant weight training. For those in competition, this training is imperative to success. Any competitor will tell you that bodybuilding and fitness go hand in hand; without one there is no other.

For many embarking upon bodybuilding and fitness, there must be small steps taken in order to work up to a full exercise regime. To achieve maximum fitness it is imperative to combine cardiovascular work with core training and weight training. Cardiovascular work may include everything from running and walking to dancing and kickboxing. To follow, intensive core training such as Pilates or yoga will work to strengthen abdominal muscles, improve flexibility, and keep muscles limber.

But when it comes to bodybuilding and fitness, nothing does more to build and maintain muscle mass then weight training. Whether using weight training machines or free weights, lifting weights ? when done correctly ? will bolster and sculpt muscle mass throughout the body. Bodybuilders rely on weight training to achieve their fitness goals. However, it is most important that if you don?t have experience with weight training that you have professional instruction in order to learn the proper techniques. Weights, when lifted incorrectly, will only serve to injure rather than improve muscles.

For those looking to improve their bodies and even compete in bodybuilding competitions, it is imperative for them to incorporate a consistent regime of diet and exercise into their lives. For this reason, bodybuilding and fitness will continue to be an inseparable and lasting combination.

For easy to understand, in depth information about bodybuilding and fitness visit our ezGuide 2 Bodybuilding.

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4 Beginner Bodybuilding Wake-Up Calls

So you?ve seen one too many Men?s Health fitness models and decided that it was time to start your own quest for a ripped six-pack, eh? Well being a beginner bodybuilder requires a conscious step back to build the proper foundation to your training program before following the more advanced tricks you?ll find floating around the muscle mags and web.

So where does one turn without the steroid-driven wisdom of the super giants of the stage?

Relax. I have got just the advice for you to start packing some serious muscle on your frame?

Beginner Bodybuilding Wake-Up Call #1: Reality Check

First let?s start with a reality check?

Do NOT expect to miraculously start looking ripped after a week. Even with great genetics, you can?t change Mother Nature and your body is only capable of building so much muscle at a time?despite what the supplement ads may say.

Bodybuilding, especially beginner bodybuilding, requires time, discipline and consistency. However, the good news is that the first couple of months will be the most exciting for you because this will be the time when you make the most visual gains to your body. Shoot for .5 to 1 lb of lean muscle growth per week and you?ll be doing just fine.

Beginner Bodybuilding Wake-Up Call #2: Rest, Relax, Recover?and GROW!

Contrary to what most beginner bodybuilders believe, your muscles don?t grow while you?re ripping them apart in the gym. The muscle fibers you?ve spent so much time pulverizing on the bench only get bigger when you?ve given them time to recover and grow in anticipation for the next ?attack?.

Getting plenty of rest and a good 7-8 hours of sleep will help your body make the changes you?re looking for?especially since this is when you have your greatest release of natural growth hormones to help with the bulking up!

Beginner Bodybuilding Wake-Up Call #3: Check Your Ego At The Gym Door

Look, everyone started out somewhere. So don?t feel you have to impress any of the no-necks at your local sweatbox simply because you think they?re constantly watching you and giggling under their breath. They?re not.

But I?ll tell you what IS funny?

Watching beginner bodybuilders (and yes?even so called ?experienced? lifters) flopping around like a hooked bass lifting too much weight on the bar and having to ?cheat? on correct form to get the weight up.

Start at a low enough weight to get a full range of your muscle?s motion and use perfect form. You?ll be rewarded with respect from the other guys around you?and consistent muscle growth the other ?fish? won?t see.

Beginner Bodybuilding Wake-Up Call #4: The BASICS Still Work The Best!

Don?t get caught up in trying out some of the complicated exercises you see as filler in some of the muscle mags. Standing on your head while balancing a dumbbell with one hand and a yoga instructor with the other while whistling the them to Rocky isn?t some ancient secret for massive muscle growth.

Beginner bodybuilders should stick with basic compound exercises (exercises that use more than one joint movement) to build the most muscle in the least amount of time.

Here are a few to get you started:

Bench Press
Pull Ups
Chin Ups

There are variations on all of these exercises so feel free to experiment with them as you gain experience. Just be careful not to get too carried away in your beginner bodybuilding workout at first. Start slow and listen to your body and how it?s responding. In no time, you?ll be the expert everyone else will turn to when their routines stop bringing them the gains they were expecting.

The "Muscle Nerd", Jeff Anderson, is a world-renowned fitness consultant and author, most noted for his cutting edge research in natural bodybuilding and fat loss. Discover the secrets to transforming YOUR body today at:

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BSN NO-Xplode and Bodybuilding

Choosing the right bodybuilding supplement can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task, especially when there're tons of different options to go with. Every supplement has its own purpose, so you'll want to consider your bodybuilding goals carefully. Make sure you are matching yourself with the right discount bodybuilding supplements.

BSN NO-Xplode is the perfect bodybuilding supplement if you are looking for a supplement that will give you an instant preworkout boost in strength, energy, and mind focus.

BSN NO-Xplode is a nitric oxide and creatine based supplement which does wonders for body immediately. Nitric Oxide expands your blood vessels, which create a surplus of much needed blood flow straight to the muscle. These surges in blood will help you to increase the overall intensity of your workout. Your reps will skyrocket and you will be pumping more weight.

With BSN NO-Xplode, the overall size of your muscles will also grow to a much larger size. The reason for this points again to the widened blood vessels, the muscles and veins in your arms will be huge.

The unique mix of creatine in BSN NO-Xplode also has its own wonderful benefits for your body. Other discount bodybuilding supplements that rely on creatine require you to wait a while to see any kind of results. The problem relies in the fact that these supplements don't condition your muscles to pack in more creatine. Every muscle can only hold a certain amount of creatine, once you've reached your limit you won't see positive results much anymore. BSN NO-Xplode solves this annoying problem by upping your bodies creatine limit. As the no-xplode opens up all of your blood vessels, a unique blend of creatine forces more helpful nutrients into your muscles. This increases the capacity of creatine that your muscles can hold, you'll really be able to feel the difference.

In stark contrast to other discounted bodybuilding supplements that come packed with fatty sugars, BSN NO-Xplode needs no sugar for the product to work. You'll experience no bloated feelings, either. BSN NO-Xplode doesn't make your body retain water, nor does it promote any weight gain.

As you can see, the right bodybuilding supplement can prove to be very beneficial for you in your bodybuilding program. If you're looking for the perfect bodybuilding supplement that gives your body the physical and mental boost it needs to get through a tough workout, I suggest looking into NO-Xplode.

In stark contrast to other discounted bodybuilding supplements that come packed with fatty sugars, BSN no-xplode needs no sugar for the product to work. You'll experience no bloated feelings, either. BSN No-xplode doesn't make your body retain water, nor does it promote any weight gain.

As you can see, the right bodybuilding supplement can prove to be very beneficial for you in your bodybuilding program. If you're looking for the perfect bodybuilding supplement that gives your body the physical and mental boost it needs to get through a tough workout, I suggest looking into no-xplode.

Natalie Aranda writes about health and fitness. The unique mix of creatine in BSN NO-Xplode also has its own wonderful benefits for your body. Other discount bodybuilding supplements that rely on creatine require you to wait a while to see any kind of results. The problem relies in the fact that these supplements don't condition your muscles to pack in more creatine. Every muscle can only hold a certain amount of creatine, once you've reached your limit you won't see positive results much anymore.

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Best Bodybuilding Supplements for Women

Bodybuilding is not only just popular with men, it's increasingly becoming popular with women as well. To meet this growing demand, bodybuilding supplements made exclusively for women have appeared.

The reason for the different supplements lies within the body differences of men and women. The bodybuilding supplements for men have different ingredients made to affect the male body in a certain way. For example, it wouldn't be advisable for a woman to use the testosterone booster, as it would cause extra hair growth and a much deeper voice. A woman surely wouldn't want these kinds of side effects to appear, not matter how good the bodybuilding supplement might work.

There's a few bodybuilding supplements that are entirely suitable for women, however. One such supplement is creatine. You can find special creatines made just for women, like Femme Advantage Creatine. This and other creatines made specially for women are designed to eliminate the unwanted side effects that a traditional creatine might cause for a woman. These side effects include cramps, dehydration, upset stomach, and other irritating side effects that you'll surely want to avoid.

Vitamin B bodybuilding supplements help your body in many ways. Firstly, they increase the efficiency of the metabolic process of carbs, proteins, and fat. Secondly, vitamin B is also important for the health of your hair, skin, and eyes.

Use calcium bodybuilding supplements to keep your bones solid and healthy. Strong bones are especially important when you're bodybuilding, they help provide the stability in your body that you'll need plenty of.

If you have fat to burn, you'll need to take care of it before you can start building muscle. Use fat burners to help in the battle to knock the fat off. Fat burners will provide you with the energy and metabolism boost you need to get the job done quickly and effectively. Take care when using fat burners, however. Some can prove to be dangerous, and it's best to use them in moderation and mixed with a healthy diet.

Protein bodybuilding supplements for women are perfect since protein is considered one of the most essential nutrients for building muscle. You'll find a wide variety of protein supplements available, most of it comes in powder form so it's easy to mix with a drink or shake. You might favor supplements that are soy or whey based. These natural supplements and very effective in delivering all the protein a body needs for quality muscle production.

Natalie Aranda writes about health and fitness. Bodybuilding is not only just popular with men, it's increasingly becoming popular with women as well. To meet this growing demand, bodybuilding supplements made exclusively for women have appeared. If you have fat to burn, you'll need to take care of it before you can start building muscle. Use fat burners to help in the battle to knock the fat off. Fat burners will provide you with the energy and metabolism boost you need to get the job done quickly and effectively.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Best Bodybuilding Supplements for Men

Bodybuilding supplements can prove to be a valuable partner when it comes to bodybuilding for men. There's a wide variety of different bodybuilding supplements for men available everyone. If you're a man, you really have plenty of options to choose from when you're looking for bodybuilding supplements.

Before you go off and throw your money at some expensive bodybuilding supplements you saw in your favorite bodybuilding magazine, do some research first. It's also important to understand that a solid nutritional program is a must-have when it comes to bodybuilding, and no form of bodybuilding supplement can cure or replace a bad diet. Bodybuilding supplements should be used to compliment your already stable diet and bodybuilding routine. The proper bodybuilding supplement will synergize with what you're doing to help you get better and stronger at a faster pace.

You should have a good idea of what kind of physical as well as performance goals you'd like to reach. When you have your bodybuilding goals in mind, it will help you determine what kind of bodybuilding supplement is the best for you.

Are you looking to build more muscle mass? Of course, you won't be able to do this without hard work, persistence, and a decent diet. However, with these kinds of elements in place, the best bodybuilding supplements for you would be products such as creatine, testosterone boosters, as well as amino acids and whey protein.

If your goal is to lose more fat so that you can start building and sculpting more muscle, then this can be easily done with hardwork and a solid regime. The best supplements for you would be fat burning supplements and appetite suppressers. These kind of supplements will help you achieve your fat losing goals.

When you're building muscle mass, don't forget to keep taking your supplements even after you've achieved your desired results. This is recommended because stopping the dosage of supplements may cause some loss in the muscle. Also, be certain that you're keeping up with a healthy diet, you want to keep your body in the best condition possible.

To find the best deals on supplements for men, stick to searching online. The best supplements at the most affordable prices can be found primarily on the internet. Internet retailers have less overhead costs like rent and employees than a traditional supplement store would have, thus you save heavily when it comes to prices of the bodybuidling supplements themselves.

Natalie Aranda writes about health and beauty. She is fascinated about anti-aging supplements. Bodybuilding supplements can prove to be a valuable partner when it comes to bodybuilding for men. There's a wide variety of different bodybuilding supplements for men available everyone. If you're a man, you really have plenty of options to choose from when you're looking for bodybuilding supplements.

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Bodybuilding for Teenagers: Advice to Teens Starting Out

The basics of bodybuilding for teenagers is the same as for adult bodybuilders: train right, eat right, and rest right. Because teens? bodies are growing and have fast metabolisms, these points are more important for a teen. Before starting on a bodybuilding program, the teen and his or her parent might want to schedule a doctor?s appointment first to go over proper nutrition and the exercise routine.

The first thing a teen needs to do is eat right. Bodybuilders require more calories and more protein than nonbodybuilders. Figure out how many calories your body will need and what foods you should be eating in a day to give you those calories. Use quality protein sources, whole grains, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. You do not have to completely give up fast food and other junk food, but limit those to one day a week. If possible, eat six times a day. Sometimes it will feel that you spend more time eating than any other activity. If so, you?re probably doing it right. In addition to eating a lot, be sure to drink a lot of water as well.

There are some supplements that you will want to consider taking to help you get all the nutrition necessary. These include a quality multivitamin, a protein powder such as hemp or whey, essential fatty acids, and glutamine. Although supplements can play an important role, they do not replace proper nutrition. Do not get tempted by steroids. You can have the body you desire without exposing yourself to the danger of steroids. Instead, focus on healthy, natural bodybuilding.

In addition to eating right, you want to train right. This means that you do not over-train. Your muscles need rest in order to grow and over-training can lead to serious injuries. Go to the gym three to four times a week. Focus on a different muscle group each time. Each workout should last under an hour. Be sure to use proper form. Watch yourself in the mirror to make sure you are doing your reps correctly. Be intense with your workout and go heavy instead of doing endless sets.

Finally, you want to rest right. Be sure you are giving your body adequate time to recover between workouts. Without rest, your muscles will not grow. If you become injured, take the time off to recover. You cannot work through an injury. Be sure you get adequate rest at night. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Anything less than seven hours a night and you are not giving your body time to recover. It can take a while to get into a good sleep pattern, but with time it will become a habit.

As long as teens research, plan, and train right, bodybuilding will bring great health benefits. It takes time and focus, but the results are worth it.

Take the action necessary to get the body you want today. Visit How To Start Bodybuilding to get your free copy of 8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle Mass.

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How to Buy Discount Home Gyms

Everybody loves discounts. And with the growing hardships of the world's economies, it seems that everybody is starting to need discounts as well. The need to economize, however, affects our plans on creating our very own fitness center at home. Could there be a way out of this?

Yes, of course, and we can easily sum it up in three words: discount home gyms!

Discount home gyms are the ideal solution for people who have a great need to exercise their bodies without overtaxing their pockets at the same time. Discount home gyms are a breeze to create if you follow the tips that follow.

Tip #1 Discover Your Greatest Physical Needs

It's important to keep your home gym compact if you wish to keep the costs to a minimum. For that to happen, you need to know what your greatest physical needs are. Do your abs need the most workouts or is it your flabby arms that concern you most. These needs shall be what your home gym should concentrate on addressing.

Tip #2 Choosing the Best Room at Home

Locating your home gym in your backyard is a very bad choice even if it comes with a great view, as nature is never kind to machines and the winter would naturally make exercising outdoors a very bad idea. Placing it in the basement would certainly give you much space, but not enough ventilation. You need to choose a room that contains enough space for you to move around with adequate ventilation to negate the need for an air-conditioner.

Tip #3 Making Smart Purchases

Always buy the equipment that you need the most first. Usually, this would be a couple of free weights and a treadmill. Look for products on sale or purchase secondhand equipment.

Tip #4 Always Ask for Advice

Never forget to ask for a second opinion because there's always a chance that you?ll learn something which could help you save hundreds of dollars.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Five Best Bodybuilding Supplements You Don't want to be Without

Bodybuilding supplements aren?t essential. The focus of your bodybuilding should be your training and proper nutrition. There are five supplements, however, that can help you achieve your results faster and are beneficial to both your muscle growth and your overall health.

1. Quality Multivitamin. A quality multivitamin will help you get all the essential nutrition your body needs. Look for one with high-potency. A more expensive multivitamin will not always be better, but avoid buying generic brands.

2. Protein Supplement. Whey is probably the most common and least expensive of the protein supplements that you can buy. In addition to its cost and availability, whey is good because it contains little to no fat, lactose, or cholesterol.

Another protein supplement you might want to consider is hemp. Hemp has the same benefits of whey, but is arguably superior. In addition to the complete protein, it?s also a source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, and chlorophyll. Two-thirds of hemp protein is edestin, which is only found in hemp and is the protein that is most similar in form to that in the human body. The only disadvantage to hemp protein is that it is not as readily available as whey protein. Other protein supplement sources to consider are soy, egg white, or casein.

3. Monohydrate-Creatine. Creatine?s function is to help supply energy to muscles. Many bodybuilders take it to increase performce and to help build muscle mass. It is not a steroid and is not banned in sports in the US. Short term studies show it to be safe, but long term studies haven?t been conducted.

4. Glutamine. Glutamine is perhaps the most important supplement you can take if you are a bodybuilder. During exercise, the body uses its stores of amino acids. Glutamine helps to replenish your body with the amino acids. A deficiency of glutamine in your body can lead to a weakened immune system and possible wasting of muscle tissues. You can buy this as a powder from most health food stores or vitamin shops.

5. The final supplement bodybuilders need to consider is essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are omega 3 and omega 6, also known as the good fats. These EFAs will help ensure that you have the energy you need for good performance. You can buy supplements in liquid or capsule form, or choose to incorporate adequate amounts of the food sources of the omega fatty acids into your diet. These food sources include fatty fish, flaxseed, hemp oil, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and leafy vegetables.

Take the action necessary to get the body you want today. Visit How To Start Bodybuilding to get your free copy of 8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle Mass.

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How to Start Bodybuilding: Five Tips for the Beginning Body Builder

Bodybuilding is a great way to get into shape. You?ll have the body that you always desired, you?ll enhance your performance in sports, and you?ll cut the risks of diseases such as osteoporosis and coronary heart disease. Here are five tips to help the beginner bodybuilder.

1. Before you even enter the gym, start with research and planning. To develop the most effective workout routine, you?ll need to know how your muscles work and the best ways to increase your muscle mass. If you don?t take the time to research you?ll find that you might be working out for weeks and actually lose weight instead of gain it. Develop a schedule that covers your training, your eating, and your resting.

2. Get into the habit of eating right. As a bodybuilder, you?ll need to increase the amount of food you intake. Protein is vital for building your muscles, but it is not the only thing you need. You cannot add fast food burgers to your diet and think that your body will be able to perform in the way that you desire. Instead, choose the right forms of proteins, complex carbs, and don?t forget the essential nutrition that you can get from eating fruits and vegetables. A carefully planned and well balanced diet will give your body the strength to work its best.

3. When you are developing your routine, be sure that you focus on all your muscles. Too many beginners focus all of their training on increasing their biceps and getting their six pack abs. Don?t neglect your lower body.

4. Remember to rest. You can?t rush your results by working extra hard or staying at the gym for extra long hours. If you don?t give your muscles a chance for rest, you?ll never see them grow. Overworking will simply cause injury, which will slow down your progress even more. To see results the quickest, train smarter instead of harder. You?ll start seeing results in a few weeks time.

5. Watch your form. This can be hard for beginners whose body has not yet been trained in the proper form. Study the books, practice in front of mirrors, and find a trainer when you first start out. Learn to do the moves in correct form. If you are getting tired and unable to hold the correct form, quit for the rest of the day. It?ll take time, but it is much easier to learn the moves in the correct form than to spend time later on unlearning your mistakes.

Too many beginner bodybuilders get discouraged and quit when they don?t see the results right away. Bodybuilding will take time and hard work, but as long as you are training right, eating right, and resting you will become an experienced bodybuilder with the muscles to show for it.

Take the action necessary to get the body you want today. Visit How To Start Bodybuilding to get your free copy of 8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle Mass.

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