Monday, August 22, 2011

Bully Xtreme Home Gym Review

If you are into seriously increasing your strength, want bigger muscles or just want that body builders body but don't have a lot of time? The the Bully Xtreme Home Gym is just right for you!

This amazing Bullworker type home gym created by a former U.S. Army Ranger and fitness expert, Frank Sherrill, it's a virtual walk through an easy to use portable muscle building Bullworker type device. A home gym that offers simple and proven methods of burning body fat and building your muscles. The Bully Xtreme Home Gym is not just another marketing hype or expensive home gym. It's truly a revolutionary way to train and get this, with it's unique training system you can get an entire body workout in only 7 minutes a week.

It's a home gym and training program that helps you step by step, build muscle and if you like, also lose weight ? the healthy way.

If you have tried Isometrics, Static Contraction or any bodyweight exercise programs, the Bully Xtreme home gym with it's scientifically proven training system, will increase your muscle building results by 1000%. Reports of Bully Xtreme owners; including myself, of tripling their strength in less than 3 weeks are very common.

The Bully Xtreme home gym also helps you out with losing body fat and cardio fitness. The training system's simple words ring with truth and are written in a lucid style aimed at ?dummies?.

The best part is Frank Sherrill reveals the natural and healthy ways of adding inches of muscle to your arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs, while at the same time developing a ripped 6 pack abs. Without any of the risks associated with free weights.

Using a scientifically proven training system he gives you a paint-by-the-numbers simple, training program and nutrition/fat sucking system.

The Bully Xtreme home gym offers:

* Up to 600 lbs of muscle building resistance

* 82 health club type exercises that can be easily done

* Portable home gym, fits any where and weights less than 5 pounds.

* A complete state of the art training system and muscle building nutrition program

* A proven muscle builder with over 40 years of SUCCESS.

* A full 5 year warranty

The Bully Xtreme training system lets you in on some of the secrets of Natural body builders. There may be many body builders who use steroids to pump up their muscles. Using drugs may work but the side effects are usually not worth it and too dangerous. But if you use the training techniques in Bully Xtreme Muscle Up book, then you will be following the natural way ? no drugs , just pure scientific method of of building muscle and nutrition. So you not only benefit from great looking body but also your body is free from all toxins and drugs that devastate in the long run!

The moment you say bodybuilding, women naturally shy away. The Bully Xtreme home gym can be used by anyone any age. The resistance ranges from 10 to 600 lbs so any one, any age can get muscle building, stomach flatting results! So whether you are a man or a woman, the training program works for both with great results for both genders.

Do you know how I got attracted to Bully Xtreme Home Gym? The sheer ease of use and the no B.S. style of building muscle of it's creator.

He has achieved so much since his horrific free weight accident in the gym and has created a safe, easy to use, portable home gym that any one can use. And he stands behind it's sale with free personal coaching and motivational support.

Keeping in true spirit of the U. S. Army Rangers, the author offers multiple benefits to buyers of his Bully Xtreme Home Gym. With the the Bully Xtreme home gym you get a free subscription to ?Bully Xtreme Muscle Up Newsletter?, 18 free bonuses, free software to track your results. Whether you want to get huge like a bodybuilder or you just want a "fitness model" type of body , this software walks you threw it. It's easy to use and a great way to motivate yourself too.

What are you waiting for, get the Bully Xtreme Home Gym, The strongest Bullworker type muscle builder on the market to day and start building that body of your dream. I did!

Bert Hern, is an attorney, a purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu and an Isometrics, static Contraction buff. Having used the Bully Xtreme to increase his strength and muscularity he nows take pride in taking his shirt off. To learn more about the Bullworker Bully Xtreme or get a free report here

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Discover The Benefits Of Bodybuilding

Many people tend to disregard their body conditions. In fact, thousands in the populace in the whole world are obese or malnourish in terms of the standard weight and height set by the health department. In recent studies conducted by the department of health, most food intake of average American contains voluminous fats. Fats are important in giving person energy to work however excess fats are dangerous to health and may cause possible health breakdown.

Exercise and body building is one way of burning fats. When muscles are being worked out and a certain amount of stress at a given time, it reacts in a way that it forms itself in a certain shape. Every form or type of exercise correspond to what part of the body you want to develop. For example, when you want to develop the muscles of your chest, there are several routines that must be done. You may lift dumbbells while lying. There are so many muscles that can be developed in the human body. There are unique ways and routines that are used to develop every muscle in the body.

Simple exercises can build your body. Only that it must be properly executed so the result will be awesome. There are exercises, especially those made for female bodies that does not require too much lifting but focused more on the movements of the body. These exercises are very tiring but are a hundred percent effective fat burners.

There are several benefits that one can get from body building. The very first benefit that you will gain out of body building is the physical development. The development of the physiological aspect of humans can be regarded as a natural occurrence and does not need any further effort to achieve such development. However, due to distorted lifestyles and destroyed environment, the natural development is stagnated or better yet staggered which in some way need a little effort on the side of humans to achieve the physiological development. Here are some of the physiological benefits that human may get from body building:

1. Body building can increase the muscular strength of a person. The strength of a person is very important in everyday living like lifting objects and transferring it to other places.

2. Body building does not only increase muscular strength but as well as the bone and ligament strength.

3. Though exposed to great stresses and strains, body building can add flexibility to the body.

4. Fitness can be improved since discipline is always to be observed. Right food and at the same time right routines of exercise can help improve physical and health fitness.

5. Body building can decrease cholesterol levels. When doing routines or exercising, voluminous fats are burned. There includes bad fats that are not needed by the body.

6. Body building can make the heart healthier. When a person exerts more effort or consumes energy, heart is exercised through the heart beats. When done constantly, the hearts muscles are strengthened.

There are still several benefits that you can get from body building. Holistically, body building cannot just build the muscles but also the rest of the body. Body improvements must not just be focused on one part but also on the whole.

The very benefit that body building can give to humans is far beyond what is seen by the naked eye. A body builder can never be fully built if he has not learned the very basic of body building. The basic is simple; discipline.

Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide now to improve your appearance and improve the quality of your life. Click here: Bodybuilding Nutrition Program

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Stop Blaming Mom: Genetics and Bodybuilding

There's always going to be something about your body that you don't like and can't easily change. For average people, its things like eye color or shoe size, but for bodybuilders, its things like narrow shoulders. Instead of obsessing over these details, learn what you can do to optimize your workout to help fix the problem-and then learn to accept your body for what it is.

Of course, most people simply use genetics as an excuse. If your calves are a problem spot, for example, it's easy to say that this is your parents problem area as well and move on to bench presses or crunches. This is exactly what you should not do! If you calves are the problem, you should begin your workout training these muscles and spend longer and more intense time working to improve this area. Instead, studies show that people are simply giving up and moving on to muscle groups where they can easily get results. Stick it out-by training your problem spots, you will see results in the end, even if the gains are smaller than in other areas. Ask for advice from professional bodybuilders and trainers to optimize your workout for the muscles that are troubling you, and be sure to know your limits; overtraining will only add to the problem.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you work, you have to live with the way your body was made. Men, for example, want to have broad shoulders, but you can't physically do a whole lot if your shoulders are narrow. Instead, you can create the illusion that you have broad shoulders. First, tone the area to define your muscles. Then, trick the mind into believing your shoulders are wider by proportioning your body accordingly. For example, lose extra weight in the abdominal area to give yourself the V shape of the traditional Greek modal. Another trait that you cannot change is height. Shorter bodybuilders will always be able to build bigger and better muscles, because their limbs are not as long. Tall guys-you can still build muscle, just remember that you will have to put forth more effort to lift the same amount of weight.

Overall, don't blame genetics for too much. True, you may have a predisposition, but you can still tone and define muscles in your problem areas with a little extra work. In the end, learn to accept the things you cannot change and focus on keeping your body healthy overall.

Tom Ambrozewicz is one of the pioneers in using breakthrough audio technology on his web sites. You can read, you can listen to professional narrator reading to you or having MP3 files download and train in gym while you listen. You can check all bodybuilding tips at now.

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