Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Buying a Home Gym: DIY or Package

When you're in the process of buying a home gym, you'll no doubt find yourself concerned with the associated pros and cons of whether to design your own fitness hub or simply purchase a complete, pre-made set. Keep in mind that when setting up a home gym, it's essential that you consider your budget and your fitness needs.

What you do and how you do it is up to you.


PROS: It's always more fun when you're setting up your home gym by yourself because you get to choose exactly what equipment you'll be using. When you buy pre-arranged sets, there's always a chance that you'll find one or two pieces of equipment that you don't necessarily like. That won't happen, of course, when you're making all the decisions.

CONS: On the other hand, doing everything by yourself can take a lot of time, and this might be something you can't afford if you've got a demanding career. Furthermore, there's a possibility that you'll end up with the wrong purchase simply due to a miscalculation on your part or ignorance if it's your first time setting up your own gym.


PROS: Packaged sets can certainly be cheaper than paying the full price for each and every exercise machine you intend to use. It's also very time-efficient, as there's no need to scour the shops to find everything you need. With a pre-made home gym, all you need to do is put forth the money, and you've got a home gym that's ready for use!

CONS: Pre-made home gyms, although possibly cheaper in the long run, could place you in debt as you're required to pay a one-time-bulk-fee. If you set up your own home gym, you can purchase exercise equipment only when you can afford to and you certainly won't be forced to pay a huge lump fee up front.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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5 Minute Guide to Bodybuilding Supplements for Beginners

Every year more and more Americans decide they want to get in shape and start bodybuilding. Along with that comes the idea of using bodybuilding supplements to help them accomplish that goal. Beginners who want to take a bodybuilding supplement or anti-aging supplements have lots of questions about what they should do, how they should do it, and when they should do it.

Bodybuilding supplements will help you get the muscle mass you want and help you accomplish this goal much faster. The reason is because each bodybuilding supplement has certain benefits and each supplement works with the others as well as your body to produce a muscle building effect. Also, many foods have some natural bodybuilding supplements in them, like red meats and seafood have creatine. But, this is not enough to build the muscle mass you are hoping for. That?s why you need supplementation and that is why so many individuals take creation, whey, protein, and other bodybuilding supplements and anti-aging supplements every day.

When you go looking for the supplements you will be shocked at the wide selection. So, beginners find choosing the best supplements to start out on is incredibly difficult. Fortunately, the basic supplements are all you will need to gain the muscle mass you have been dreaming of. Once you pass the beginner stage and become an advanced bodybuilder there are other types of supplements that will benefit you better at this stage. But, the basic supplements are all you need to start.

The basic supplements to help you get started include protein supplements, creatine supplements, glutamine supplement, and multi vitamins. Protein supplements will help you gain the muscles you want. Protein is what every single bodybuilder needs to gain muscle. That means eating a gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight each and every day to help you get muscle fast. That is almost too much protein to get from food, so a supplement really helps.

Creatine supplements also help increase muscle mass in addition to increasing energy and improving performance. Glutamine supplements are important to beginner bodybuilders because they help the muscles recover after a workout. You won?t need to worry about losing muscle either thanks to this supplement.

A multivitamin is very helpful and you will find they help your muscles function and recover. They will just make you feel healthier all around. If you really want to begin bodybuilding then these supplements are all you need to start off!

Natalie Aranda writes about fitness. Every year more and more Americans decide they want to get in shape and start bodybuilding. Along with that comes the idea of using bodybuilding supplements to help them accomplish that goal. Beginners who want to take a bodybuilding supplement or anti-aging supplements have lots of questions about what they should do, how they should do it, and when they should do it. Bodybuilding supplements will help you get the muscle mass you want and help you accomplish this goal much faster.

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Benefits of Natural Bodybuilding Supplements

There are quite a few benefits associated with natural bodybuilding supplements. The reason why is they are natural extracts from food that come in doses that are easy for the body to absorb. Of course, natural bodybuilding supplements like creatine supplements should be added to an already healthy diet and workout plan.

Natural bodybuilding supplements are also beneficial because they include vitamins, proteins, and minerals that the body needs. You must consider why you are taking these natural supplements to determine how many you should take. Just to stay healthy and maintain a regular body build a regular dosage is recommended. However, if you want to get ripped and have amazing muscles then you should consider upping the dosage, especially of things like creatine supplements or protein supplements.

Another benefit of natural bodybuilding supplements is that they help individuals get on the track to a healthy body and mind. This is really important and if just taking natural supplements can get you motivated to do other healthy things then this is definitely a benefit. Make sure you pair your natural supplements with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and relaxation programs. Don?t allow yourself to get too stressed out and always focus on staying healthy. If you are trying to develop big muscles then you will need to create a gym schedule so you know when to workout and what muscles to exercise when. Remember that just taking the supplement won?t make you healthy and it won?t give you a muscular body.

When you take the natural supplements and you begin eating healthy and exercising you will also be benefiting your brain and blood circulation. You will feel more relaxed, more organizes, more energy, and for once you will notice hat you are sleeping well at night. Also, when you take the natural bodybuilding supplements and combine it with exercise and a healthy diet you will notice you begin to lose weight and build muscle. Those are certainly benefits to talk about!

Keep in mind the market is chock full of natural body building supplements. But, don?t go to the store and buy the most expensive looking supplement or the one that makes the biggest claims. Instead, do your research to find out what these supplements really do and if other users found them beneficial or not. You don?t want to buy a natural supplement that you don?t know anything about so do your research first!

Natalie Aranda writes about health. There are quite a few benefits associated with natural bodybuilding supplements. The reason why is they are natural extracts from food that come in doses that are easy for the body to absorb. Of course, natural bodybuilding supplements like creatine supplements should be added to an already healthy diet and workout plan. Natural bodybuilding supplements are also beneficial because they include vitamins, proteins, and minerals that the body needs. You must consider why you are taking these natural bodybuilding supplements to determine how many you should take

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bodybuilding Tips - Learn The Mechanisms Behind Building Muscles

The sport of bodybuilding seems to be increasing in today?s society both for those who wish to become professional bodybuilders and also people how are looking for ways to increase their overall fitness level. Many experienced bodybuilders understand the importance of using supplements such as Leukic and Gakic to increase muscle mass. Many new bodybuilders may not understand how the muscle building process works, the dangers of hormone looping, the important application of bodybuilding supplements, and avoiding the pitfalls of dangerous and illegal substances. This article will explain how the muscle building process works and supplements available that can increase your results many times over.

While the muscle building process may seem complicated at first, it is really quite a simple matter. In order to build muscles, you train or workout, causing your body to break down muscle fiber and replace it with stronger and larger muscles. It is important to understand the three phases that you body can be in at any time. At rest, you are in a neutral state where you are not building or tearing down your muscle mass. The preferred state for bodybuilders is the anabolic state which means that your body is in a muscle building state. Being in an anabolic state means that your body is primed for building new protein and tissues. Unfortunately, if you push too hard as many bodybuilders are inclined to do, you may slip into a catabolic state where, despite all your efforts, you no longer build muscle and may even lose muscle tissue. This phenomenon is known as hormone looping.

Hormone looping can regrettably be an all too common occurrence for many bodybuilders when they employ a very aggressive workout routine. Initially, the bodybuilder will put their body in a high anabolic state and the muscle tissue will indeed grow. The problem for those who really strive for huge muscle mass gains may push their body beyond the limits of what it is capable of. This will drive the body into a catabolic state in which the body starts to break down complex molecules such as muscle fiber into a simpler state that the body can use as an energy source. When this happens, you will not gain any more muscle mass and if pushed too far, you will actually lose muscle mass. Serious bodybuilders understand this condition and know that they must keep their body in an anabolic state and do whatever takes to avoid the catabolic muscle killing state. This is where muscle building supplements such as Leukic can play a very important role in bodybuilding and muscle building.

There are many muscle building supplements available on the market and I would like to talk about Leukic which is produced by MuscleTech. Leukic is classified as an anabolic activator and works by creating a continuous anabolic state for the bodybuilder who is using it. MuscleTech claims that Leukic puts your body into an advanced anabolic state but bypasses the stimulation of hormones. Normally when building muscles, you stimulate hormones such as testosterone which is a necessary and good thing but this can also stimulate other, unwanted hormones that can cause dangerous and unwanted side effects which may set back your muscle building efforts by days, weeks, or even months. Leukic claims that it bypasses hormone stimulation means that the negative hormones are not stimulated either. If the claims are true then Leukic will put your body into a highly charged anabolic state without worries of going catabolic. While supplements such as Leukic can be a very positive benefit for bodybuilders, it is extremely important that you choose your supplements wisely. There are many illegal and dangerous supplements available on the market that a serious bodybuilder would do well to avoid.

If you want to be ethical and save, then you need to avoid illegal supplements such as steroids. Leukic is an anabolic activator, not an anabolic steroid. Anabolic steroids are synthesized hormones that very regrettably many people in the professional sports industry are currently using. While these compounds can often produce large increases in both strength and endurance, they can also be highly dangerous, illegal, and unethical. Not only do they produce unfair advantages for professional athletes but are often unsafe and produce side affects that can range from inconvenient to extremely dangerous. Some of these side effects include high blood pressure, heart disease, liver damage, cancer, stroke, and baldness. Other side effects that may affect men are reduced sperm counts, impotence, enlarged breasts, and enlarged prostates. Some side effects for woman who use steroids include an enlarged clitoris, a deepening of the voice, and facial hair. Steroids can also affect the mind as well as the body creating side effects such as rage, mood swings, paranoia, depression, anxiety, and hallucinations.

Regardless of whether you are bodybuilding for general health or professional competition, you should now have a better understanding about how muscle building works and how to avoid the dreaded hormone looping condition so prevalent in then bodybuilding world. Stimulates such as Leukic may be advantageous to your training and can help you move up from an average bodybuilder to someone that is known as an icon in the industry. I?m also hoping that my explanation of steroids and the side effects scared you to the point where you never ever think of using them.

To learn more about bodybuilding, muscle building, and supplements such as Leukic you can visit Leukic-Reviews.com

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Canadian Home Gyms: The Need for Them and Other Tips

Travelers to the maple-leaf-country tend to believe that it has only two seasons to speak of: winter and the not-so-cold-season. And though the natives know better, their very cold winters do make the need for home gyms all the more dire.

Consider the following statistics:

In 1981, the percentage of overweight boys had been 15%, but this rose to 35.4% in 1996. For girls, a similar trend was observed from 15% to 29.2% All in all, 25% of the country's population is considered to be overweight.

In addition to that, experts describe the country's population to be aging, with the elderly outnumbering the younger generations.

And what do those facts add up to. A very great need for Canadian home gyms so that people will have no excuse not to exercise even when snow starts falling.

Tips on Building Your Personal Home Gym

Now that we've got the reason for needing Canadian home gyms out of the way, it?s time to focus on what we could do to have our own home gym.

No doubt the greatest concern individuals have when building their own home gyms is the cost. Naturally, they're torn between spending more but enjoying superior quality or spending less with the possibility of having to tolerate inferior quality gym equipment.

There are, thankfully, some easy and smart tips to get you out of that dilemma.

First, always go to an exercise specialty store, as you'll be able to find there the best equipment there is and more importantly, the best advice as to what your needs are to build the ideal gym.

Secondly, consider buying used equipment because this can go a long way in prolonging your credit card's existence.

Lastly, some equipment that's considered to be staple features of a home gym is an aerobic machine it could be a treadmill or elliptical trainers and free weights. Purchase these first before any other fancy exercise machine since these would be the ones that could help you most!

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Complete Home Gyms

The true-blue exercise enthusiasts are only concerned with one thing when they find themselves considering the idea of setting up their own fitness hub at home: Will they still be able to enjoy a complete, total body workout even without the services provided by a professional fitness center?

And the answer is none other than a resounding yes. It is very possible to continue enjoying the benefits provided by commercial fitness centers just as long as you create complete home gyms that come with all the necessary equipment ? and then some ? to help you maintain your perfect figure.

Although the words ?complete home gym? have the power to strike fear in many people?s hearts with its implied costs, there are simple ways to avoid spending much without sacrificing your fitness objectives.

Just follow our quick and easy tips on building complete home gyms and you?ll surely enjoy all the benefits that a commercial fitness hub offers.

Purchasing Home Gym Sets

There are certain stores who do sell what you?d call a home gym package that comes with all the necessary equipment. The prices of these packages depend on what quality or brand the exercise machines possess and what purposes they serve.

Asking for Professional Advice

To ensure that you?ve shopped for everything you?d need for your home gym, drop by an exercise specialty store and ask for their advice. There?s always a possibility that you might have forgotten one or two things.

Consider Your Target Zones

Make a list of all the parts of your body that wish you to improve and then check if you?ve got all the necessary equipment to whip up those target zones into better shape.

The treadmill and free weights are always a person?s best friends in the gym. These two, above all things, should be a part of your home gym!

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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It's The End Of The Line For Natural Bodybuilding And Building Muscle

I want to share with you why I will never ever create another natural bodybuilding course and why you will never ever need to purchase another natural bodybuilding course again.

First I want to say Thanks for the kudos' I received from all the guys around the world? I really appreciate them and I feel honored to be a part of such a great group of individuals and I am humbled to be able be part of your lives.

Thank you so much, and more importantly I want to honor you for taking action in your lives to seek out the best information you can for training and nutrition the all-natural way. Heck, I know how easy it is to get caught in the rationalizations too take drugs.

The fact is thousands of bodybuilders around the world have sold themselves out to drugs with dire consequences. We all know how the drug game has caught up with itself and now bodybuilders are getting sick, ending their careers in their 20?s and now dying left, right and center just to have a 20 inch arm.

Bodybuilding in it?s current state has gotten completely out of hand and has stayed away from it?s roots of building a healthy body, full of strength and vigor. Bodybuilding is about not just looking good, but feeling good, and most of all experiencing the joy of super conditioned, healthy, athletic physique that makes all of life?s experiences more enjoyable for as long as your are on the planet.

You see I can only take people so far down the road because at the highest levels of training, eating, and supplementation the individual needs to develop the ability to listen to their own body. Only then can you really become a master.

This takes time, it takes information, and it requires a proven system of techniques built on all of the innovations of the greatest minds in bodybuilding over the last century. The Muscle Mastery course is way beyond a training system; it?s a system that teaches you how to build a truly complete physique and finally how to be your own coach.

Once you have completed the Muscle Mastery System you will have the tools you need to become completely self directed without having to rely on any outside authority to develop your body.

It's really a big leap of faith and it's not always an easy jump. I made the final leap and never looked back 3 years ago and it was the best move I ever made.

Let me explain.

My Journey Into the Wild, Whacky, and Contradictory

Realm Of Natural Bodybuilding

My first ten years of bodybuilding I read all of the books, I listened to the tapes, I went to the shows, I talked to every ?big guy? in the gym. I devoured every book, tape, and course I could find.

I read and tried almost everything. Here?s a small list!

Arnold Schwarzenegger?s Bodybuilding Encyclopedia

Bill Pearl?s Keys? to the Inner Universe

Joe Weider?s Mr. Olympia Encyclopedia, the Weider Principles, and about 250 magazines or so of his.

Vince Gironda?s the Wild Physique

Larry Scott?s collected works

Lou Ferrigno?s works

Frank Zane?s works

Bob Kennedy?s entire works

Mike Mentzer?s Heavy Duty

Arthur Jones Nautilus Principles

Ellington Darden?s entire collection

POF training advertised in Ironman

Power Factor Training by Cisco and Little

Dorian Yates Blood and Guts

Serious Growth and the Bulgarian Systems by Leo Costa

Dr. Mauro Dipasquale?s work

Dr. Fred Hatfield?s work

And at least a dozen more guys that I have forgotten? plus every article, periodical, textbook etc I could get my hands on until I finally learned enough to realize that I didn?t know that much.

Believe me that is the biggest realization a person can make as it sets the stage for the master to come!!!

They say when the student is ready the teacher presents himself. That?s exactly what

Happened to me, after I won my first provincial championships.

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at http://www.freakybignatural.com

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Home Gym Rentals: An Alternative Source of Income

If you think that the money you?ve spent on creating your own home gym is just too much, you can always opt to have your home gym rented for a few hours or so and get to enjoy an alternative source of income.

Home gym rentals can be a steady source of income ? if you?ve got the right attitude and the right look and feel. Naturally, nobody would be willing to pay home gym rentals if they?re not given excellent customer service and are required to use sub-standard exercise equipment.

Hence, if you wish to start charging home gym rentals for something that was once simply a part of your house, here?s what you should do:

Charge Reasonable Rates

Commercial gyms have exact fees when they rent out their space. The rates are on an hourly basis and depend on how much space are you intending to reserve for private use.

Be sure that your rates are lower than those being charged by commercial gyms UNLESS you feel that the exercise equipment and room space you have can easily equal what they?re offering.

Always Maintain Your Home Gym Equipment in Good Condition

No one would like paying twenty dollars an hour and then being forced to use malfunctioning exercise equipment. If you wish to keep your maintenance costs low, just make sure that people properly use everything in your home gym.

Always Aim for Maximum Customer Satisfaction

Be polite and courteous. Extend aid as much as you can. When people make reservations, make sure that their reservations would not in be conflict with any plans made by the other customers.

Make Use of Promos and Give Discounts

Promos and discounts are great marketing strategies to increase people?s awareness of what you?re offering.

Hold Special Classes

Not only would this be an additional source of income but holding special classes (Pilates, calisthenics, etc.) is also a good way of increasing people?s knowledge of your place.

Home Gyms provides detailed information on Home Gyms, Cheap Home Gyms, Best Home Gyms, Home Gyms Review and more. Home Gyms is affiliated with Fitness Equipment Financing.

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How To Become a Natural Bodybuilding Master

I want to help you guys become masters yourself so you too can make breakthroughs and discoveries of your own about yourself. Believe me every one of you has greatness inside yourself but the only way your going to find it is to trust yourself.

Believe me you have it but your only going to find it if you look for it and that is going to take some technical know -how and then the courage to experiment yourself.

Heck it took me 20 years to get to this point and I put everything I got into it so that I might throw the torch to you.

It's time for YOU to step into your own greatness and become a Master Of Muscle yourself.

Now will I be still working on stuff... of course? Just not bodybuilding per se.

Here's why...

Why You Need To Become a Master

I am moving on to mainstream problems. We are talking about addressing the issues of obesity in the mainstream, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, etc.

Matt and I have been sitting on a collection of health material that is going to shock the world and it needs to be released.

In the last few years Matt and I so deep in discovering the secrets of unlocking the codes to these mysteries that we can't keep them secret any longer.

It's our God given duty to bring that information to the masses and we are going to do it. I am sure many of you will be with us in sharing the news to the mainstream when the time comes. The fact is we need you guys to be part of the legion of individuals who are going to give absolute proof the power that the body has to heal itself when given the right materials, and enough workers.

Stuff like Russian Cosmonaut frequency and laser technology, FM frequency healing, light infused supplements, sound therapy, color therapies, revolutionary ways to light, water and oxygen to heal anything and a whole lot more.

Basically the fact is these discoveries need to be brought to the world not just bodybuilders and so that's where my destiny lies.

I will be moving into the health and well-being field in the next few months and bringing the world the latest technologies and breakthroughs.

Also I have recently taken a position as a content editor for a major Health and Lifestyle magazine, which is set to begin by June of this year.

This position also helps me keep abreast of the foremost developments in the entire industry as well as an ability to get the information to millions of people who are desperate for options.

I am not leaving bodybuilding. I am simply helping a broader range of people who want a better life. People who require hope in what appears to be hopelessness.

Of course my dear friends, I love and cherish every one of you. I love bodybuilding and will continue to train for as long as I can. Bodybuilding has given me a wonderful life and I will be forever grateful for the men and women who came before me and inspired me to be part of this wonderful sport.

The End Of My Journey Is Where Yours Begins

It's been 20 years since I started as a skinny kid with a broken set of weights in a freezing cold barn in the backwoods of Canada. Who knew that 16 years later I would end up all the way to the other side of the world to compete in the stifling heat of Mumbai, India at the Mr. Universe World Championship.

Now just 4 years since I competed in the Mr. Universe we have helped athletes in over 100 countries build bigger and stronger bodies without using drugs.

20 years is a long time and it's been a good run. I give thanks to everyone and everybody that's been a part of it, and now I throw the torch to you.


Wade McNutt

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at http://www.freakybignatural.com

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I Discovered My Master In Natural Bodybuilding - Who Could Help Me Build More Muscle

After 10 years of training, studying, and struggling I hired my first personal bodybuilding coach, which was none other than Scott Abel.

I could not have picked a better coach, as Scott just may be the most successful bodybuilding coach of all time... Certainly he is by far the most intellectually capable of any person in the entire industry that I have ever met period. Believe me Scott's intelligence is in the seriously hi IQ zone.

Bill Pearl stated to all the current experts in bodybuilding, guys like Chis Aceto, Tom Deters and the like "that Scott Abel is going to do great things in this sport" and that was back over 10+ years ago.

With Scott?s guidance I learned the final pieces of the bodybuilding puzzle directly from Scott himself and developed a great relationship with him. After my first Nationals in 98 I hung up the trunks as I went into business, learning the ropes in the supplement industry an area that Scott had steered clear of after the whole "Venice Beach" supplement company scenario went sour.

Sure Scott wrote articles for MuscleTech and also for another company "which he currently sells before and after pictures of his clients too" for there endorsement ads but I can tell you from firsthand experience that he doesn't recommend any supplements period to his competitive athletes. I know in the years I trained under him he never told me to take one product. It was all training and diet.

Bodybuilding The Natural Way

Now I wanted to go the Natural Route and I realized that the only way bodybuilding was going to get better was if someone somewhere provided a new way to get big and stay healthy without resorting to drugs.

After competing in my first Nationals in 98 as a na?ve kid from the backwoods of Canada, I was shocked as I witnessed what really goes on in bodybuilding. Believe me I saw where the sport was headed and it wasn't pretty. I decided a different route for myself, which led me to work on every level of the supplement industry.

My first few years in the supplement industry was an eye opener as well and I became fully aware of why Scott was so gun shy to be involved with any of the companies.

(Okay I know I am on a tangent... but it's important to understand the evolution of one's thoughts, goals, visions, and the historical conclusions one arrives at to illustrate my point)

So in 2002 I decided to compete as a vegetarian to first prove the whole meat thing was a myth and that you could build a terrific physique without pharmaceuticals.

I hired Scott again as my advisor to work with me. He was dead against the vegetarian thing and he warned me that many of the guys I was competing against were beating the test.

I told him " it wasn't about winning it was about developing a new possibility for natural athletes". Scott was skeptical but impressed somewhat with my intentions and commitment. Note - he did not let me know about this until years later but getting a compliment from Scott Abel is not the easiest task in the world... LOL

He agreed to help me but he wasn't too sure how successful I was going to be given my choices and the "constraints" I was subjecting myself to.

The Failures Within My Own Success

Over the next two years I managed to win the Western Canadians and the National Championships and represent Canada in the World Championships in 2003, which is certainly one of the highlights of my competitive bodybuilding career.

During 2003 though I paid a heavy price for the constant dieting the 5 competitions in 2 years and the current style of training, dieting, and supplementation. The bottom line was there was no way a natural athlete could train and stay healthy.

After the 2003 Mr. Universe I gained 42 pounds of water and fat in just 11 weeks and I was not able to train during this time. This was perhaps one of the biggest challenges of my career.

I vowed to regain my form for the 2004 Nationals, by doing it my way using a much healthier approach. I competed again but during the 6 months leading up to the competition Scott and I butted heads because of my unwillingness to follow the "traditional bodybuilding" dietary protocols.

This was a challenging time as well because I respect Scott so much but on the other hand he didn't have that much experience with a natural athlete of my caliber, nor one who was a vegetarian etc. My gut instincts told me I needed to forge my own path.

So I managed to get in terrific shape for the 04 Nationals but peaking for the show went sour for the first time ever. The traditional format for peaking did not work with my new diet and I ended up losing the Nationals. Believe me the margin of victory at the top level is extremely small as every body at the top has absolutely fantastic physiques.

This was a crossroads because I had already been working on my system and I had some key nutritional and training strategies that I wanted to test, that the rigors of training would not allow.

The Student Leaves the Master and Discovers?

So with that, I told Scott that I was retiring. As much as I loved competing my heart was not in it because I was getting a whole lot more pleasure out of coaching other Natural bodybuilders and developing my own nutritional products.

Of course I had met Dr. O'Brien and the missing pieces in the supplement picture started to come together and I was gung-ho to give O?Brien?s theories a try in bodybuilding.

So I started furiously testing everything I could for the next 3 years. Training, dieting, etc.

I teamed up with my good friend and kinesiologist Matt Gallant and we built Freaky Big Naturally. We went on to develop the principles behind the Endless Growth programs as well as illustrating the mechanics of exercise in the Elite Exercise Performance guide.

We then went on to develop some of the most powerful supplements in the world using the principles discovered by the premier doctors in the world of health and nutrition.

MassZymes, hemp protein, and soon to come our own probiotics formula are all products of that amazing journey.

We also found out how to make healthy gourmet raw food that makes getting bigger stronger and more ripped a pleasure as opposed to a chore.

We also combined and tested all the training integrations and came up with the Mastery Training Courses..., which are broken into three distinct styles.... Power, Size, and Endurance.

I also found a way to illustrate how to build, combine, and manipulate your training to produce any result that you want. In other words I illustrate how I think, and how to design your own personalized programs geared specifically for your goals and your genetics.

I Return to Seek Out My Old Master

Which brings me back to the story with Scott.

Scott and I have the deepest respect for each other. We talk regularly and we routinely trade information on training, diets, supplements and the state of bodybuilding today.

The fact is we have become peers contributing to the sport that we love and have moved way beyond the coach client relationship. Several of the athletes who came to him with severe metabolic damage have been successfully treated using new training protocols and my enzyme product.

Keep in mind my enzyme products never would have been developed if I had stayed with Scott. Nor would have hemp protein become so popular as the ultimate protein supplement and finally the probiotics formulation I recently developed would have never have come to be.

The reason all this happened is because I broke out, trusted my instincts, and went down the path that my heart followed. I refused the drugs, I didn't accept the normal "bodybuilding ways" and I went deep into extremely advanced super nutrition with some of the greatest doctors the world has ever seen and brought that back to the bodybuilding world.

That's what every great student eventually needs to do... break away from the master and become a master themselves. This is what leads to the evolution of the planet. It is also the creative spirit that needs to be injected into this sport instead of a bigger syringe of juice.

Scott has been overjoyed with my recent discoveries and it's also led him down a different path to some new breakthroughs himself. Now together we are both better off, and so is the sport and we are not stopping.

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at http://www.freakybignatural.com

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