Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Low GI Carbs And How They Help Your Bodybuilding Workouts

Do you know how high GI carbs can affect how easy it is to achieve your bodybuilding goals?

Well, if you didn't then read this article, as you'll learn exactly the difference between low GI (glycemic index) carbs and high GI carbs, and how they affect your ability to gain muscle and lose fat.

So what is a low GI food?

A carbohydrate that's low GI, means that the carbs are absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. When carbs are absorbed, they're converted to glucose.

Because of slow absorption, blood sugar levels are relatively stable and there's no a spike of insulin levels.

In contrast, high GI carbs are absorbed quickly. Hence there's a spike in insulin produced by the body to get the blood glucose level back down.

And insulin is a hormone that promotes fat storage, which means it's harder to lose fat when you workout!

The Glycemic Index in fatc rates foods from 1 to 100, where 100 is the highest GI factor.

And the effects of a high GI carb meal?

They are:

1. Insulin spiking and hence fat storage.

2. High blood glucose levels followed by low glucose levels, causing irritable mood and poor mental functioning.

3. The high glucose level is followed by a low glucose level (due to the insulin acting to lower blood glucose levels) causing hunger and craving of sugary foods. This can lead to eating more carbs and on the cycle goes.

4. Increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

So the lesson here is to have low GI carbs.

The exception is after your weight training workout where it's not as crucial and this is where you can have some high GI carbs.

What are some examples of low GI carbs?

They are:
1. Basmati rice
2. Most vegetables (especially green ones) and fruits
3. Grainy and sourdough bread
4. Fish and meats
5. Pasta

So go for it and get a healthy diet, which will help you to achieve your bodybuilding goals.

Lucas Ryan helps you to gain muscle and lose fat so that you can show off your bodybuilding efforts and look ripped in no time. For more valuable tips visit his muscle building site to learn about bodybuilding diets, as well as lots of bodybuilding workout tips, to get real results with your training.

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