Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Creakic and Bodybuilding - The World's First and Only ROS Solution - Muscletech Creakic

Creakic is a product from a bodybuilding supplement company called Muscletech. Like most supplements, it was designed to enable bodybuilders to pack on some serious mass in a short space of time. Creakic boosts the muscle gaining process through use of Creatine, but is different from other creatine supplements in that it also fights ROS, making it, in theory, much more effective than regular creatine supplements.

ROS or Reactive Oxygen Species is a substance which accumulates in the muscle cells and fibres. This substance 'short circuits' the muscles ability to absorb creatine - meaning that the absorbtion of any creatine supplements you are on, or any creatine you get in your diet will be significantly slowed and reduced when ROS is present.

The detrimental effects of ROS are well documented throughout the bodybuilding community. The easiest way to think of it is like a barrier that surrounds muscle cells, stopping creatine from entering them.

Creakic claims to be different from other creatine supplements in that it contains a 'creatine receptor hyperactivator' formula, which seeks out, attacks, and neutralises any ROS it finds. The net result of this being increased absorbtion of creatine, and theoretically an increase in training performance.

According to the manufacturers (Muscletech), Creakic is the world's first and only ROS solution, meaning it is unique. But like other creatine supplements, the effects of using it are increased water retention rate in the muscles, the ability to maintain a workout period for a longer unit of time, the ability to lift more weight with each rep, and a lower recovery period.

Resource: Creakic - for supplement reviews and usage advice.

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