Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bodybuilding Diet Tips- What Low GI Carbohydrates Have To Do With Building Muscle

If you're wanting to build muscle and lose fat, then you've got to pay attention to your diet.

So if you're bodybuilding, pay extra attention!

In particular you've got to be aware of your carbs.

What do I mean?

Well, for some guys, carbs can be a big factor to why they're putting on fat even though they're working out.

You would have heard of the term low GI carbs or carbohydrates, and even the phrase that you shouldn't have carbs after 6pm, as many Hollywood celebrities seem to do nowadays!

But do you know how it works?

Well, it works this way.

What happens when you have low GI carbohydrates

When you have low GI carbs as a meal or snack, the carbohydrates are absorbed gradually into the blood stream. Hence the glucose or sugar levels in the blood rises gradually. There's no big spike.

As a result the body produces some but not masses of insulin to get the sugar levels back down again.

However when you have a high GI carb or carbohydrates, an example would be sugar, white bread or potatoes, this happens.

The carbs here are absorbed rapidly and as a results the sugar level in your bloodstream peaks up rapidly.

Notice how some high GI foods are not sweet in taste. It's the fact that they're absorbed quickly.

So your body bow produces a large spike of insulin to get the glucose level back down.

And insulin is a hormone that makes you store fat so it's harder to burn off the fat. Which means it's going against what you're trying to do.

And so why do many people have no carbohydrates after 6pm or sometime in the evening or even afternoon?

Well, it's because your metabolism slows down later in the day and in the evening so having high GI foods at the same time is like a double whammy. It's best to have low GI carbs or less carbs overall in the evening.

So this is why low GI carbs are important in the diet, and how high GI carbs can go against your efforts to build muscle and lose fat and get ripped.

So now that you know this, put this into action!

Lucas Ryan helps you to gain muscle and lose fat so that you can show off your bodybuilding efforts and look ripped in no time. For more valuable tips visit his site to learn how to bodybuilding diets and low GI carbohydrates diet, and get real results with your weight lifting training.

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